Year 4 Report
Term 2, 2021
Year 4 Report
Term 2, 2021
Welcome back everyone to Term 2! Hope you have all had a wonderful break and ready for some more amazing learning.
In Reading this term, the Grade 4's will be exploring what it is to be fluent and ways that help us develop a good understanding of the texts that we are reading. We will be learning to identify the different types of questions and strategies to help develop a deeper understanding of the text, and a greater love of reading. Allowing students the opportunity to make connections, text to text, text to self and text to world, tapping into their prior knowledge and experiences to gain a better understanding. During reading sessions students will participate in small group or individual conferences working on their goals.
Students will continue to develop their reading stamina and choosing their 'just right books'.
Towards the end of Term students will then look at poetry and its features.
The Grade 4's will be working on persuasive writing, looking at structure and language features that help persuade an audience. They will be learning about, applying hyperboles, emotive words, sentence starters and connectives that would build a series of logical arguments to develop their writing skills. This is a great opportunity for the students to express their opinions and also incorporate research in order to support their arguments.
Throughout all this wonderful learning, the students will continue to work through the process of writing and apply the skill of planning, revising, editing and publishing their work.
Towards the end of term, the students will look at poetry.
In Mathematics, Grade 4's will be focusing on Addition and Subtraction problems, developing and consolidating mental and written strategies. Students will develop and apply their understanding of doubles, near doubles, round and adjust, give and take, split and jump strategies to problem solve.
The Grade 4's will also explore other areas such as money, chance and probability, angles and symmetry activities.
Also students will continue to participate in fluency games and number talks.
This Term, the Inquiry unit for Grade 4 is, 'Making Democracy'. Students will strengthen their ability to further explore community issues. We will facilitate their understanding of government and democratic systems and functions and enable students to participate in democratic decision making.
We are looking forward to another exciting term of learning and fun!
The Grade 4 team,
Carla Asta, Grace Rosella, Jess Baido, Natalie Squatrito and Amanda