Year 3 Report

Term 2
Welcome back to Term 2! We hope you all had a great holiday. We have a fun term planned and are looking forward to working through it all with you.
In Term 2 we are looking at addition and subtraction. Students will be exposed to a variety of new skills to help them work through addition and subtraction problems.
We have begun the term with addition and have already looked at skills such as commutativity, adding ten/taking ten, doubles and near doubles, and rounding and adjusting. The growth we have seen so far has been fantastic!
When we move on to subtraction we will look at using the same skills but with a subtraction focus.
We will also look at shape and angles, and have some fun with data.
Throughout the term we will continue developing our fluency skills using a variety of fun games at the beginning of our mathematics lessons. This is proving to be a favorite for teachers and students alike!
Our individual Addition and Subtraction Goals
In Term 2 we will be looking at the question and answer relationship before moving on to look at poetry.
We began the term looking at the different types of questions we may be asked about a text, as well as how we go about answering these different types of questions. Students have focused on identifying the type of question being asked and what information they need to be able to answer the question. This understanding is something that will help the students in all areas of their learning now, and into the future.
We will move on to poetry later in the term when we look at poetry in writing to link our reading and writing together.
The question types that we have been, and continue to, learn about.
In Term 2 we are continuing to look at persuasive writing. We have looked at different persuasive features such as emotive language, rhetorical questions and facts and statistics, and how we can use these to help us convince people to agree with us. Look out parents and guardians, they will be convincing you to buy pets, bikes and all sorts of technology before you know it!😉
Later in the term we will move on to learning about poetry. We will look at shape poems, cinquains and haikus. We will learn about rhyme, onomatopoeia and alliteration and how we can use that when we are writing our poetry.
In Term 2 we have begun to look at health. We are not only focusing on physical health, but we are also looking at mental and social health and how all forms of health are important to our overall wellbeing. We will investigate a variety of ways that we can be healthy. We will also look at how we can recognize harmful or negative situations and avoid them to ensure we stay safe at home, school and in the wider community.
Towards the end of term, students will use everything they have learned in order to create a safety campaign that they will share with the class. Watch this space! We are looking forward to being able to share with you all. what we are sure will be amazing campaigns!!
- Schools start at 8:50 and ends at 3:10
- NAPLAN 18th-20th May
- Camp notes
- Lexile books, lunch and fruit snack to school everyday.
- Lexile borrowing is Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Student are dismissed from specialist classes session 6 on Mondays. (3A - Performing Arts, 3B - Art and 3C - P.E)
- Library Borrowing on Wednesdays.
- Homework due every Friday
The Grade 3 Team
Andy Urbancic, Mikala Hunter, Rohan Moat and Vesna Monsone.