Prep Report

Preps have now well and truly settled into the year 2021 and we are very pleased to see much growth and excitement towards all aspects of their schooling as we progress into Term 2.
In Reading this Term, Prep students will be exploring the various features of both Fiction and Non-Fiction texts. Students will be identifying and comparing both genres and applying their knowledge to retell familiar texts and summarize new information learned after reading. Students will be able to make connections within the text and to themselves, as well as predict what might occur throughout the text. Students will continue to practice their independent reading and daily Oxford words to further increase their reading stamina.
In Writing this Term, Prep students will practice using punctuation and capital letters in their recount of their language experience related to the letter of the week. Students will verbally rehearse their message prior to writing and apply their knowledge of non-fiction texts in order to write to inform including facts about a topic. Students will display features of non-fiction text by labelling their picture/photo to support their factual text.
In Numeracy this Term, Prep students will continue to read, write and make numbers 0-9. Students will sequence order and compare numbers applying their knowledge to real-world situations including counting forwards and backwards. Students will practice making numbers with the use of concrete materials such as ten frames, counters, number lines and every day items. Students will also learn to identify and create patterns in the form of colours, shapes pictures and numbers. In Numeracy, students will also explore statistics and probability by developing yes or no questions, record and analyze results through tallying, and interpret data displays in the form of a bar graph. Students will also learn to identify ordinal numbers and their practical application.
In Inquiry this Term, Prep students will be exploring the topic of ‘Be Healthy, Get Active.’ Students will be able to name parts of the body and identify ways to keep safe and healthy. Students will learn and understand how bodies change and develop over time and the importance of a healthy, well balanced diet. Students will learn about the people and actions that can keep them safe in the community.
- School starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3:10pm
- Take Home Readers (Red Folders) will go home every night and are to be returned to school every morning. Readers will be changed on a Friday and handed back out on a Monday
- Students to bring fruit and labelled drink bottles everyday
- Use the SENTRAL app to notify the school of any absence.
The Grade Prep Team
Maria Neocleous (Miss. Neo) and Laura Finnigan (Miss. F)