Principals Report

It is difficult to believe that first term has already passed and we are at the end of week 2 of term 2. We have continued throughout Term One to assist our new students to settle in to the College, understand our College expectations, available supports and assist them to build new relationships in their new school environment.
Our first Term has seen the first of our Parent/Teacher Interview (PTI’s) days we hold throughout the year. These are a great opportunity to check in with teachers and we strongly encourage students to attend as well. At Tarneit Senior College, we value Parents and Carers as partners in students learning journey. We thank all of our parents and carers who attended, and encourage contact with teachers and Year Level Coordinator/House Leaders whenever required.
At Tarneit Senior College we recognise that family support and involvement plays a major part in a young person’s ability to achieve success. We recognise that success looks different for each and every one of our students and would like to be involved as partners with our parents in the journey of all of our students to their chosen pathway. If we can do anything in addition to support your young person throughout 2021 please contact the College at any time.
A focus on Attendance:
The college attendance policy requires that all students maintain an attendance average over 90% for all classes. As students have begun this term we are still seeing an unacceptable number of students whom are consistently late for school and/or class after the breaks. Beginning in the coming weeks, any students who are late for school/class without an approved reason will receive a late detention at lunch time for every three times they are late. Failure to attend lunch time detentions will result in students being issued an after school detention.
We seek parent and carer support in ensuring that your student/s are arriving at school on time and that you are also re-emphasising the importance of attending class on time.
Parents and carers are reminded that if their student/s are going to be late for school, parents/carers should be contacting the college directly themselves.
We know that regular attendance is the single biggest determinant of academic success. Establishing and maintaining good attendance habits is essential for every student. If you are planning a period of absence, please contact the College to discuss appropriate support or work. Similarly if your child is experiencing difficulty settling into a routine of attendance please contact your students Year Level Coordinator/House Leader.
House Cross Country:
On Monday 26th April the College held its first Cross Country, the event was held on a pleasant autumn afternoon. Congratulations go to Penrose (red house) on their great win. It was a terrific contest between the four houses with a high participation rate across the whole school and shows how important it is to participate to the best of your ability, whether running or walking the course. Congratulations to Sport Coordinator Lauren Marino for her organisation of this event and to all students and staff for their positive involvement during the afternoon.
Connecting with Boys:
This article by Michael Grose (parent educator) may be of interest. He shares communication strategies for parents and teachers of teenage boys. Click here to read –
Tips for Success:
Students can ensure a smooth start to the term by following these tips:
- Enter all due dates/important dates on a calendar
- Arrive punctually to class with the correct materials
- Settle into a routine of homework, revision and study as soon
- as possible
- Keep up to date with all classwork
- Hand work in on time
- Ask for help
Students Driving Cars to School:
As a number of our student body are at the stage of life that enables them to be licenced drivers, it is important to point out the Tarneit Senior College Student Code of Conduct stipulates the following in accordance with DET guidelines:
“Students are not permitted to transport other students while in daily attendance at the college, or to and from any College function or event, unless they are a sibling residing in the same house”. This means that students cannot transport other students to and from school or during the school day. Parent permission does NOT exclude students from this rule. This rule is DET policy which the College is mandated to follow. There are no exceptions to this rule.
There are strict consequences for students who drive dangerously and erratically. The area in and around the College is particularly busy between 8.30am - 9.15am and 3:15pm – 4:15pm and all drivers should proceed with care. At all times, students must observe the speed restriction zones around the College. We thank you for supporting us to support the safety of all of our young people.