Got an idea, thought or opinion?
Send us an email
Send us a message through
the St Nicholas School PT&F Facebook page
- President: Mr Joshua Johnson (Patrick 4B, Madeline 3M and Eli 1C)
- Vice President: Jaimie-Lee Shaw (Connor 3R and Lucy 1B)
- Secretary: Rebecca Harding (Isabella 3D)
- Treasurer: Tatum Johns (Spencer 1B and Torah KC)
- Advisory Council Rep: Felicity van Aanholt (Ben 3M and Louie 2HS)
The next PT&F meeting with be on Monday 29th March at 6.00pm in the School library. All welcome.
The agenda for this meeting is attached below.
Committed to supporting families connection to St Nicholas Primary School
The 2021 PT&F Committee is determined to foster a strong connection between parents/families of St Nicholas students and our school. Creating a cohesive and friendly St Nicholas school community is a priority.
In 2021 Covid restrictions will continue to limit opportunities for families to join the school community to celebrate milestones (such as the commencement of the new school year). We hope this will improve, however in the meantime the PT&F wish to encourage smaller, class size gatherings to foster the social community aspect of our school life and welcome new families.
We are calling for volunteer parents to act as a welcoming committee. One parent from each class within each grade.
The role of these volunteers would be to very simply welcome families of class members.
We would suggest initiating a park play or similar (small, outside school premises event) once a term with an open invite to all families within the class. Circulating contact details of families within the class may also be appropriate with due permission.
Kinder parent contact volunteers may be best to have older students at St Nicholas School so they ‘know the ropes’, contacts etc if anyone has specific questions or concerns.
Action: Please support your children and the 2021 St Nicholas PT&F by volunteering to be a class contact by emailing:
Remember to mention St Nicholas School when purchasing from either Bakers Delight Stores in Tamworth. At the end of the year they give back 5% from all purchases. Money for jam!
St Nicholas School has registered with Bright Star Kids labels. When you shop through the Bright Star Kids website click on LINK A FUNDRAISING ACCOUNT in the checkout and enter 'St Nicholas PT&F'. All sales linked to this account generate 20% in commission for the school.