Compassionate God, source of all comfort,
We pray for the people whose lives have been devastated by rain and flood.
Bring them comfort, we pray.
Protect the vulnerable.
Strengthen the weak.
Have mercy on all those working to rescue the stranded.
And may our response to their suffering be generous and bring you praise.
For we ask it in Jesus’ name,
We pray ...
We pray for... our school community as we prepare for Easter, for those experiencing loss and devastation as a result of the floods and for all those who are currently unwell.
Yesterday students from Year 4 had the opportunity to attend Reconciliation and Kindergarten spoke with Fr. Paul. Next Wednesday more of our Year 4 students will have the opportunity to attend Reconciliation.
13 new Altar Servers have concluded their training. This is an amazing number of children wanting to serve at mass. Thank you to Ethan Nijo, Sophie Riley, Madeline Robinson, Xavier Graf, Peter Hoang, Harry Dowsett, Lyla Davidson, Lacey Hutton, Anja Martin, Raphael Smith, Oscar Tonkin, Charles Igbenije, and Mia Scott for this act of service to both our school and parish communities.
Our next Family Mass will be held this Sunday 28th March at St Nicholas Church beginning at 9.30am. Year 1 and Year 5 will be the hosts for this Family Mass. A popper and a packet of chips will be provided for the children whilst the adults enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit after mass. Please remember to call the Presbytery to book in if you wish to attend on 67662228.
GREEN DAY- Celebrating St Patrick's Day
A massive thank you to all students, teachers and all who came along to help celebrate our annual Green Day. A special thank you to all the Year 6 students and teachers, especially for their organisation of the days proceedings and the fantastic individual stalls. What tremendous leadership in action!
Every year the objective of Green Day is to raise funds for Caritas. The communities that Caritas works with to assist will benefit greatly from our amazing efforts. In 2 hours our school community managed to raise over $3,00.00 This clearly demonstrates the tremendous spirit of generosity from parents and students. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
We are particularly encouraged during Lent to give greater attention to those who might be in need. One way we are able to do this as a Catholic Community is by supporting Project Compassion over the forty days of Lent by looking to make monetary contributions (big or small) to these boxes. Kindly return Project Compassion Boxes to school during Week 10 of this term.
We are aware of families doing it tough so please remember prayers for those in need and random acts of kindness that don't cost money can be just as good as a monetary contribution!
First Reconciliation - Year 3 - Wednesday 2nd June 2021
First Eucharist - Year 3 - Weekend of 5th/6th June 2021
Confirmation - Year 6 - Weekend of 11th/12th September 2021
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (Yr 3 students)
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation and program will begin early in Term 2 for our students and parents in Year 3. This will include a Parent Information and Enrolment Session at St Nicholas Church this coming Saturday 27th March at 1.00pm (if you did not attend the Wednesday evening session) followed by an Enrolment Mass for all candidates on Sunday 28th March at 9.30am. At least one parent is required to attend the Information Session.