Assistant Principal's Page 

Grandparents and Friends Day

Yesterday Croydon Hills PS hosted our Prep Grandparents and Friends Day. It was fantastic seeing the joy on the students' faces as they showed their Grandparents and Friends around our school.

Most of us have fond memories of our grandparents when we were children.  At some point, when times get hard, we may revisit a time that makes us feel warm and fuzzy. Sometimes that memory involves our grandparents. 

In each family the role that grandparents play is different.  Age and distance can play a role in how often the grandparent interacts with the grandchild or children. 

According to Dr. Karl Pillemer of Cornell University, “The relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren is second in emotional importance only to the relationship between parent and child. Children benefit when grandparents are involved in their lives. But grandparents also enjoy benefits from the relationship with their grandchildren.  They not only get joy and benefits out of this symbiotic relationship, but it is as critical in nature as it is to a mother bear and her cubs. Without it, a child may not develop as fully as possible."

Grandparents instil values and knowledge in the lives of grandchildren.  These may be similar to those instilled in their children, but they may also be ones that come from a different school of thought that has been lost.  They teach values and lessons that have timeless meaning, such as how to converse and have manners in a digital world. 

Grandparents carry stories about the times they lived in, the experiences they had, the way things used to be, and big events that shaped the nation. They have stories about divisive issues from our past.  They also have stories about family history that helps grandchildren learn about their culture and background.  These stories and family histories not only keep the past alive, they also teach valuable life and character lessons. There is no overstating the importance these lessons carry in how a child grows and makes choices in their life.

And it's such fun for Preps to show their Grandparents around their new school!

Carol Wyatt  -  Assistant Principal