From the Foundation Classrooms

Life Education - Harold's Friend Ship

On Monday 29th of March, Team Foundation students took part in the Life Education program, "Harold's friend ship". During this session children focused on:


  • how to build friendships and care for others
  • different feelings and emotions that people experience
  • how nutrition and physical activity affects how we think and feel
  • safe and unsafe situations
  • safe places and people to turn to for help

In this module, students learnt to recognise the importance of relationships and hopefully gained skills to seek help in a variety of situations and also practiced strategies to manage their feelings and emotions.


Outcomes include:

  • Identifying behaviours that establish and maintain positive relationships;
  • Understand different feelings and emotions experienced in various situations;
  • Understand how nutrition and physical activity affects our behaviour and feelings;
  • Identify people and places that keep them safe; and
  • Differentiate between safe and unsafe situations, behaviours and environments.

Afterwards, Foundation students reflected on their experiences during the Life Education session. Here are some of their thoughts..


"If I dance when I am sad it can make me happy." - Delilah FKJ

"I liked working on Flat Mat and putting the lungs, brain and heart onto his body." - Alexander FKJ

" I learnt that the heart lives inside the lungs in your chest  ." - Olivia I. FKJ

"I liked watching Harold on the television. He taught me how to be a good friend." - Matthew FKJ

“We learnt about how to help people like when our friends are in trouble.” - Eva FSB

“I learnt about the feelings inside our bodies when we are scared." - Ross FSB

“I learnt about how to make friends." - Abrie FSB

“I learnt about what can make people feel scared." - July FSB