Year 6 Term 1 Recap. What a busy term we have had!

by Katia 6FT

In Term 1, Year 6 has had a lot of events. From the Year 6 Essay Writing Competition to Leadership. Year 6 in Term 1 has been a full load!

From a literacy point of view, Year 6 has had competitions and our writing about ethical dilemmas. Mrs. Fleming is in charge of the Year 6 Essay Writing Competition for our school. Belle Vue, Greythorn, Balwyn North and St Bede’s are the schools that participate in the yearly competition. The theme this year was “What will my life be like in 20 years time?”. The prizes are $500 gift card, $250 gift card and $150 Officeworks gift card. There are also five encouragement awards, where winners get a $100 Officeworks giftcard. Our school also participated in the Write For Fun Contest, where any child from kindergarten to Year 12 can enter a short poem or short story and win money and, if you come first, a choice of an iPad, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch or a Rebel gift card. Here is an example of poem written by a student in Grade 6:



It trickled down, slow, then fast, then slow again

It faded away as the sun shone over it

There was almost a sense of disappearance

While the warmth was lingering in the air

Sun, Disappearance, Warmth

The sunshine came out, as the tears went away.


 By Naintaara 

Age 12

Grade 6FT



Other than competitions, the whole of Grade 6 and Grade 5 have worked on a diary entry of an ethical dilemma. This ethical dilemma is ‘Do the right thing even when no one is looking’. We first did a cold write - with no work on punctuation fixes, editing and etc. Then, after we finished our cold write, we edited it, fixing mistakes that we had made, working on punctuation edits and our goals. After we edited, we wrote our final copy of our edited version and published it to show for the expo.












In our leadership sessions every Friday afternoon, all the children in Grade 6 split in the pillars they chose. On the 19th of March (Friday), the STEM Society Pillar worked with 2FB and 1AM about playing with engineering straws. While the Media Pillar was writing for the Assembly and the Newsletter. The Admin Pillar learnt how to put up the flag and created their idea for Care, Learn and Share, as each pillar gets to create a session for all of the CLaS classes to do. The Sports Pillar is running Team 3/4 sport; they are practicing the athletic events as we have athletics coming up in Term 2. The Environment Pillar helps with KGT with the Grade 5s on Friday after lunch. The 26th of March, we learnt how to use the microphone for the assembly, taught by Mr. Symons. Everyone has a lot of fun during leadership. 


For our final project of the term, we did a fandom. Our fandom is what we are a fan of, this can be a sport, a right, a person, a club or something you like doing. We had to make a project about it and share it at the expo. At the expo, we showed our fandom, a math poster about a trip around the world (this was about negative and positive numbers) our ethical dilemma story, an identity cross word and any props you wanted to bring about your fandom. The expos were on Monday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon. 


Term 1 went really quickly! But we all still had so much fun, we are looking forward to all the terms to come. Have a great holiday!