Lost Property

End-Of-Term Lost Property Disposal

There are many items currently in Lost Property at the moment. We ask parents to please check the Lost Property hooks/shelves outside Room 5 (opposite the Staff Room) to claim anything that belongs to their child.


Any un-named uniform items that have not been collected by Thursday 1st April will be laundered and given to the second-hand uniform shop. Any un-named containers and drink bottles not collected by this time will be thrown out.

Help Us Help You!

This is a request for parents to check that ALL of their child’s property is clearly labelled. If items - including hats, clothing, drink bottles, containers, bags -  are named, we can easily return them.


Please also consider:

  • Hats – Make sure your child’s hat is named securely (these are taken on and off many times a day).
  • 2nd-hand uniform items – if you have acquired any 2nd-hand items, please ensure you remove any old labels and rename them with your child’s name.
  • Go over any faded labelling to ensure it is clear and legible.
  • Lunch containers and drink bottles – we throw out LOTS of unnamed containers each term.  Please write your child’s name in permanent marker on the container AND lid, not just attach a label, as labels easily come off.

We would prefer to be able to return the many lost items which we receive each week to their owner, so please help us do this by naming everything.  Thank you.