CEO'S Report

I am very excited and pleased to let you know that we have commenced delivering the Victoria Government’s – Jobs for Victoria, Jobs Advocates program. This wonderful new initiative aims to bridge the gap in knowledge and access to services and supports needed for all Victorians. Last year as the pandemic raged in Melbourne – it became increasingly clear that many people who were the most disadvantaged from the impact of the pandemic, lacked the knowledge of what services were out there to help them.
So many people were in need of some kind of support or help be it: financial advice, job search support, domestic violence help, emotional well-being -mental health, housing, dealing with Centrelink and so on but didn’t know where to start finding it. This is where our new Jobs Victoria Advocates (JVA’s) come in.
We extend a warm welcome to Aisha Hassan and Prinscilla Kwarteng who will be out and about and meeting with our partners to arrange service delivery where the clients who need referral help are. If you would like Prinscilla and Aisha to visit your organisation to learn more about the program please contact them via
I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Melissa Bell who replaces Andrew Smith as our new School-Community Engagement Officer. As well as working with our schools to support the transitions and pathways of students attending our schools, Melissa is keen to hear from anyone who would like to reach out and discuss other partnership ideas.
You can reach Melissa via
Rolling out a new program and recruiting new staff has resulted in us realising we really need more space so expect to hear we have moved at some point soon.
Louise Smith