for kids who are over 7 years old and wanting to start piano
for kids who are over 7 years old and wanting to start piano
We are very excited to be starting a new Piano Keys class in term 2.
Similar to the Junior Keys Course, the Piano Keys Course is also Forte' s flagship course for children age 7.5 years and older. It gives them a solid foundation in musicianship skills which sets the program apart from tradiational piano lessons. We seek to develop interest and love for music firstly and this is reflected in the way we teach.
Aural development and ensemble playing are the two essential activities which are done regularly in each lesson. The video above shows an early Piano Keys in action playing an enseble piece. Half the class was playing the pecussion part and the the other half playing the keyboard part. Ensemble playing is such an essential skill to develop sound musicianship and builds teamwork too!