Performing Arts

VCE Drama Ensemble Performances
On Tuesday the 10 May, the VCE Drama class performed their ensemble performances to Blackburn High School’s Drama community of parents, students, and teachers. The class was divided into four ensemble groups, with three Year 11 groups and one Year 12 group. From the beginning of March, all ensemble groups have been working extremely hard to research, brainstorm, and rehearse their scripts to ensure that their performances would be one to remember.
The stimulus material this year was a story about three young boys who went missing in the town of Daylesford in 1867.
The groups additionally had to create performances that included conventions from the many theatre styles explored in Term 1. These styles included Australian Gothic Horror, Epic Theatre, Theatre of Cruelty, and many others. All groups who performed did so with spectacular grace and tremendous energy that captivated our audience.
Speaking with students and parents at the conclusion of the performances, all were amazed at the high quality and individual talents of the student performers.
Luke Martin - Year 11