Principal's Report

We have had a very positive start to Term Two, with everyone returning re-energised from the Easter term break. The students and teachers who attended the Central Australia Camp were still buzzing from their incredible experiences and they will cherish these memories forever.
In addition, we are very proud of the Dunlop student leaders who ably led the Anzac Day commemorations at the whole school assembly in the first week back.
The rhythm of school life is in full swing with students taking up the many opportunities that we offer, with great participation in the many events including Duke of Edinburgh Camp, Robotics Competition, Year 8 Camp, Sport, Hollows House fundraiser, Languages Day, and Open Afternoon.
Congratulations to the Year 7 and 9 students who participated in the inaugural online NAPLAN testing last week. Their effort and approach were exemplary with minimal disruptions to the process.
On the Curriculum Day held on 3 May, the Blackburn High School teachers appreciated the time provided for a very productive day of collaboration, led by the leadership team, around the school’s instructional model that aims to continue to build teacher capacity and improve student outcomes.
Thank you to the parents who attended the presentation of the 2020 and 2021 Annual Reports to the Community on Wednesday where we reflected on how we navigated through the difficulties posed by the past two years of COVID.
We had an opportunity to celebrate our successes and discuss the challenges. We also looked forward to 2022, with innovations in the Learning and Teaching Program, the implementation of the Wellbeing Programs including the introduction of therapy dogs, student leadership development, House initiatives, upgrades to the school facilities including the completion of the new 14 room STEM Centre precinct this year.
Joanna Alexander