
It has been a busy start to Term 2 for Humanities students at Blackburn High School. Across all year levels students have been participating in exciting work both inside and outside of the classroom.
For our students who connect with Humanities outside of the classroom, we have seen some great successes. The Humanities Film & Book Club has made a strong start to the term with a record turnout for our viewing of ‘Hamilton’. For students who want to keep an eye out for other screenings please speak to your Humanities teacher or look in the daily bulletin.
We would also like to say a big congratulations to Svenleb Lim, Yeleb Lim and Clare Hancox who participated in the Australian Geography Competition. The event saw their geographic skills and expertise put to the test and we look forward to receiving the results of their efforts shortly.
For our Year 8 students, the start to term 2 has been particularly sensational as they were able to delve deep into their study of Medieval Europe.
With the completion of their Student Curator CAT we saw some fantastic displays which showcased the medieval experience. Congratulations to the students for all of their efforts on this task.
Students were also able to celebrate Medieval Day in May which allowed students to immerse themselves with interactive activities such as archery and tournament.
Thank you to Mrs Rosa for helping to organise this day for students.
Lastly, our Geography students have had a busy term undertaking numerous field work excursions. Our Unit 3/4 students went to Fishermen’s Bend to collect data and investigate the area’s development plan.
Our Year 10 students visited the Elwood and St Kilda foreshore where they examined sustainability factors.
Thank you to Mr Butler for organising these excursions and always encouraging field work at our school.
I look forward to seeing what Humanities students get up to in the rest of the school year!
Ms Davies-Kildea, Humanities Learning Area Leader