
House Leader Introduction
Welcome back to term two.
We hope all Melba students and their families had an enjoyable holiday break.
It has been great to see our Melba House students making a positive start to the term and demonstrating a successful transition to the winter uniform.
Term two is off to a busy start with NAPLAN, Year 8 Camp, Mid-Year Music Concert and Inter-school Sport all occurring within the first 5 weeks. We encourage all students to continue their involvement with extra-curricular activities.
We also would like to welcome Kaitlyn Archer back to Melba House who has recently returned from maternity leave.
We wish everyone all the very best as we head into the winter months and please continue to communicate with your child's mentor teacher as the first point of contact when required.
Mr Adrian Ferres, Melba House Leader
Achievements/Recognitions (FER) -) - BHS House Athletics Winners: Melba House
For the first time in recent history, Melba House won the Blackburn High School House Athletics Carnival on the last day of term 1! In a landslide victory, Melba House dominated both track and field events!
This was a fantastic achievement and I would like to congratulate all Melba House students who contributed to our combined efforts by dressing up in blue, participating in events and encouraging others in the house.
BHS Swimming & Diving Champions
Congratulations to the following students who have been crowned champions for their age group.
- 14-Years Boys Swimming Champion: Gavinjeet Sandhu
- 15-Years Boys Swimming Champion: Ryan Hutchings
- Junior Boys Diving Champion: Jake Stone
- Junior Girls Diving Champion: Indi Lowe
- Junior Boys Big Splash Champion: Amir Ghorbanian
- Senior Girls Big Splash Champion: Shae Garcia
Student Experiences
Year 8 Camp
The year 8 Melba House students attended the YMCA Lake Dewar Lodge camp in week three of this term and experienced a range of outdoor activities. Thank you to the Melba staff who attended the camp and supported the students in having a memorable experience (Merric Butler, Madeline Sims, Madeline Weatherly, Alana Dare & David Morris).
Student Camp Reflections:
We did many activities over the three days that we were there. Our favourites included the flying fox, gorge walk, adventure tunneling, stand up paddle-boarding, kayaking and mountain biking.
The views were amazing during the mountain biking and the track took us around the whole camp. The camp environment was just as good too.
Some of the memorable moments included just sitting in the cabin and hanging out with friends. It was nice and cosy there and it was great talking to students from other houses.
There were plenty of activities to keep you occupied when you had free time like board games, pool, and various courts for playing tennis and basketball.
Overall we had a great time and was glad to have had this experience.
We all have many great memories to take away from this camp.
Year 8 Melba House Students: Tanya Pazokian, Emily Bishop, Hunter Wilkins-Byrd & Jessica Innes
Year 12 Profiles
We would like to take this opportunity to share with you some information about our fantastic year 12 cohort.
John He
What is your favourite animal: Turtles
How long have you been at BHS? Since Year 7
What is your favourite subject? Visual Communication
If you won a million dollars, what would you do? Save it
What is at the top of your bucket list? Travel
Who is your hero? Steve Irwin
What are your plans for next year? University
What is your best memory of Blackburn High School? That one time in sports in year 8 or 9 when I won a dodge-ball game by catching it with my legs through pure luck.
Leah Coustley
How long have you been at BHS? 6 Years
What is your favourite subject? Philosophy
If you won a million dollars, what would you do? Save it
What is at the top of your bucket list? Use it for a trip after high school
Who is your hero? My Future Self
What are your plans for next year? Go to uni and travel to Singapore and japan
What is your best memory of Blackburn High School? Lunch times with friends