
After a refreshing break over Easter, we welcomed back our Hollows students for Term 2. Many of us were thankful for the four-day week to kick-start our term. 

We have some exciting events coming up this term for Hollows. Our annual Hollows Fundraiser day will be held on Friday 20th May. The day will include free dress for students and a delicious BBQ run by our fabulous Mentor Leaders. We are very proud of our connection to the Fred Hollows Foundation, and glad to support them with our fundraising efforts. 


We also have both of our Year 8 and Year 7 groups attend camp this term. The upcoming year 7 camp is a brand new camp in King Lake, and teachers and students alike are getting excited! 

Ms. Kelly McGrath - Hollows Assistant House LeaderHouse Athletics Carnival

On the last day of term 1 school athletic carnival was held and was a huge success. Students were in high spirit and the weather was perfect. Well done to all Hollows students for their participation whether it was participating in different athletics events or dressing up in house colours. Student and staff had an amazing day. It was well deserved day after having to cancel so many events during last two years. We look forward to another busy and productive term.

Ms. Rajpal Kaur - Hollows Assistant House Leader




On the 8th of April 2022, Blackburn High School had their House Athletics Carnival. From my personal experience, I had an amazing time there. Hollows has been winning for the last 8 years,  so there was a lot of  pressure on us. I got to participate in multiple activities on the day, including 200 metre sprint and the 4 x 100 metre relay sprint. Even though Melba won the competition, I got to spend the day with my friends, and I generally had a good time. Overall, athletics day was an exciting day.


Malik Alamin - Hollows Year 8 Student




Year 8 Camp

Lake Dewar Lodge

During Week 3, Year 8 Hollows Students travelled to Lake Dewar Lodge for an unforgettable experience on Year 8 Camp. 

Students were able to enjoy a range of activities including, mountain biking, stand up paddle boarding, dual flying fox and hiking. Thank you to the staff who accompanied our students and ensured they had a fantastic time.


Year 12 Profiles

Over the course of this year, Hollows House would like to acknowledge our amazing Year 12 Students and give them the opportunity to tell the Blackburn High School Community about themselves. 


Student Name: Harvey Lucas Warren

Been At Blackburn High School Since: Year 9

Favourite Animal: Camel

Favourite Subject: Biology


Student Name: Harvey Lucas Warren

Been At Blackburn High School Since: Year 9

Favourite Animal: Camel

Favourite Subject: Biology


Student Name: Ben Fitzsimons

Been At Blackburn High School Since: 4.5 years

What is at the top of your Bucket List? Preform Solo in front of an Orchestra

What are you planning on doing next year? Bachelor of Fine Arts Music Performance at The Melbourne Conservatorium

What is your best memory of Blackburn High School? 2019 Royal South Street Band Competition


Student Name: Belinda Young

Favourite Animal: Chameleons 

With a million dollars: Travel around Europe 

What is at the top of your Bucket List? Sky diving 

What is your best memory of Blackburn High School?     Duke of Edinburgh Camp in year 9


Student Name: Airi Weston

Been At Blackburn High School Since: Since year 7

Favourite Animal: I've always wanted a pet meerkat

What is at the top of your Bucket List? To construct a life size edible gingerbread house

Who is your hero? Oscar the grouch


Student Name: Jeremy Birt

Been At Blackburn High School Since: Since Year 7

Favourite Animal: Otters

Favourite Subject: Chemistry

Who is your hero? Scott Tweedie from Prank Patrol


Student Name: Dartanyn Gilson

Been At Blackburn High School Since: 2 Years

What is at the top of your Bucket List? Olympics (Gymnastics)

Who is your hero? Kohei Uchimura

What is your best memory of Blackburn High School? Playing catch on the oval with all my friends


Student Name: Jamie Ryan

What is at the top of your Bucket List? Travel to New Zealand and hug an alpaca

Who is your hero? Charles Boyle

What are you planning on doing next year? Travel or go to university

What is your best memory of Blackburn High School? Year 9 Gold Coast camp or the athletics days.


Student Name:  Sam Murray

Been At Blackburn High School Since: 5 years

Favourite Animal: Rat