
Statement from House Leader
It has been another busy few weeks to start term 3 with Dunlop students being front and centre.
On the first day of Term, we were thrilled to have the chairman of the Dunlop foundation Mr. Robert Winther OAM come to our ANZAC day assembly.
Our House captain Fletcher Irvin presented Mr. Winther with a cheque for almost $3000 which we raised last year as a donation to the foundation. Mr. Winther said a few words about the role Weary Dunlop played both during the war and in setting up the foundation for medical research.
A big congratulations to Harrison Lefebure (Yr 11) who represented Victoria in the National Netball championships during the last holidays. Harrison's team was lucky enough to take out the national championship.
It was great to hear the Dunlop Year 8's had a great time on their camp last week. We are looking forward to our year 7's attending their camp in Kinglake on June 6-8.
Mr mark Pasquali, Dunlop House Leader