Year Adviser News

Year 8 Year Adviser - Allyssia Lloyd

Year 8 has welcomed the new school year with great enthusiasm. It has been wonderful seeing how well students have adjusted to their new teachers and classes. We have received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback from teachers about all the remarkable work students have been producing in class. 


In week 3 of the term, students elected to participate in the annual school swimming carnival, some of our year 8 students participated and took home multiple ribbons. I would like to congratulate Jake and Ethan as they moved through to Blacktown Zone for swimming. 


Students also took part in the Backflips Against Bullying program which featured a high energy one hour performance by a team of incredible acrobats. Students were actively engaged in the program and responded to scenarios with thoughtful and meaningful responses. 


In week 7, several year 8 students also performed for this year's Pulse Alive show, performing in one of the Massed Dance groups. After a significant break for performance, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get back into it!

Year 10 Year Adviser - Maati El Hafiane

A big welcome to all Year 10 students and their parents. 2022 has been a very busy year so far for all students. We have so much to look forward to this year and it's crazy to think that Year 11 is just around the corner and for some of you, this is your last year with us here at Evans High School.


I would like to welcome all parents to our 2022 Subject Selection Evening on Thursday 28th of April next term. It will be an important night and there will be presentations regarding the Compressed Curriculum that will be introduced later in this year. You and your child will also have the opportunity to speak with faculty head teachers about the subjects on offer. I will be looking forward to catching up with you all. Leading from this, students will be asked to select their subjects of choice for their HSC 1 and HSC 2, so it is important to have those discussions around the dinner table on subject choices or other pathways after year 10. 


Term 2 is proving to be busy term, with Half-Yearly examinations taking place and a variety of other events such as World Refugee Day and the Athletics Carnival. We are excited to see all the students in Year 10 perform and take part in these events as the past two years have seen such limited events occur due to Covid-19 restrictions. 


Also, welcome back to Ms Espejel, who has returned from maternity leave. It has been great to have you back and all the students have been so excited to see you regularly. 


I look forward to making more memories with you all this year. Keep working hard and keep striving to do your best. 

Year 12 Year Adviser - Melissa Silva

This Term has been a busy and enjoyable experience for our students. Year 12 have just finished sitting their Half-Yearly Examinations. A big congratulations to all students for their effort and dedication towards their studies.  


Last Friday, we also held the first Cross Country Carnival in over two years. It was so good seeing Year 12 come to school in their house colours and participate in their last Cross Country at Evans High School. Well done to all students who ran in this event.  


Students are also proudly wearing their Year 12 Jackets and Jerseys that they voted for last year. The jersey design was kindly designed by one of our former students, Coda Ridley. Looking forward to enjoying the cooler weather with our new Evans High School Year 12 Jerseys and Jackets.