School Events 

Pulse Alive

On Monday the 14th and Tuesday the 15th of March, some of our awesome students from years 7-11 performed in the Massed Dance and Aboriginal Dance ensemble for Pulse Alive.


Alex in Year 12 also performed with the showband throughout both shows! Leonel and Brodie did a fantastic job working backstage for Pulse Alive and gaining work placement hours for their VET Entertainment course.


After a significant break from performances, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get back into it!

Class of 2021 - Graduation and Formal

It was a lovely evening on Thursday, the 31st of March, when students of our Class of 2021 came back together one last time to finally be able to have a Graduation Ceremony and a Formal Celebration to celebrate their end of 13 years of formal education. 


It was held at Atura in Blacktown. Students were glammed up, looked so mature and some barely recognisable ready to celebrate after the Graduation Formalities. The graduation ran smoothly. It was great to see so many parents, friends and families come together to celebrate this milestone with the students of the Class of 2021! The room was filled with so much love, support and proud faces from all who attended.Some students looked so mature and were barely recognisable! 


The full gallery is available on Facebook!

Iftar Dinner

It was a lovely night on Tuesday, the 5th of April. We welcomed many of our families that celebrated Ramadan into our school for an Iftar (breaking of the fast) dinner. The stories that were shared and the meaningful connections that were made filled the hall with a wonderful and warm ambiance. The food was bountiful, delicious and definitely better shared! The full gallery is on our Facebook page.