What’s Going On?

KCC Compass Parent Guide


Compass School Manager will now be one application for all your student attendance needs. Late notes, leave notes, sick leave, excursion consent and payments are all available on the Compass App. This application is designed for staff, students and parents to see upcoming school events, student attendance plus more. Please click on the link below to access the Compass Parent Guide. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school on 6932 6100.


How to get started - Here

Kildare Catholic College Canteen Schools Online

Starting with School24 is as simple as...




Go to http://www.school24.com.au/register

Click on Create Account Fill in your details and submit



Please note: your School Registration ID: 25303963




Login to your secure portal:


  1. Add Students
  2. Top-up your account
  3. Select a payment plan (Pay per order )



Your username is the same as your email address



For canteen, select student, date and follow the prompts.

Help is always available! Please contact KCC for assistance on Ph:6932 6100




Kildare Catholic College calendar HERE.




Important Message

Any student leaving Kildare Catholic College during the year to attend another school, TAFE or commence full time employment needs to collect a “Leavers Form” from the front office and have it signed by the Resource Centre, Canteen, House Coordinator, and the Principal. The student must then have this form signed by their parent/guardian and returned to the front office.

Application for Leave

If students need to be absent from school for ten or more days they now need to obtain approval from the Principal and complete an Application For Leave Form. This has been put in place by the government and we need to commit to this procedure. Forms are available at the front office or downloaded below. If approval is not given or sought from the Principal, students will be marked as an unexplained absence.

Please download leave applications: Here

Medical Plans

NSW Department of Education advises that:

"When students need help with health issues at school, parents may need to consult with their medical practitioner about the implications of the child's health condition for their schooling and any actions that need to occur during the school day. Parents need to convey relevant information from the medical practitioner to the Principal in writing." 




If your child has a medical plan please ensure that the College has a copy. 

If you need more information please contact the college on (02) 6932 6100 or email office staff  kcc-info@ww.catholic.edu.au  

Kildare representatives for the CCC Soccer competition

Congratulations to Riley Knight, Max Prest, Ashton Bourke, Ella Harriott, Ella Barrell, and Hannah Ferguson who have been selected to represent the Southern Region at the CCC Soccer competition early next term.