PFA/School Advisory Council News

PFA News





Save the Date: Mother’s Day Dinner 12th of May at Shoppingtown Hotel @ 7.30pm


Bunnings – Saturday April 30


Thanks to those families who have put their name down to assist on the day and/or donate towards the items required for the day.


We now have a full roster for the day. If you would still like to assist, we are keeping a list of emergency volunteers should someone fall ill on the day and not be able to do their shift. If you would like to be included on the emergency list, could you please email your details to


Could all volunteers please ensure that you show your proof of vaccination to the St Kevin’s office prior to the BBQ.


Donations of items/money can be left at the office. It would be greatly appreciated if this could be done by Friday April 8.

Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who has already placed an order for some delicious Baker’s Delight Hot Cross Buns. Orders can be placed using the link below before 5pm Tuesday 5th April.


Orders will be given to your eldest child on Thursday 7th of April at the end of the day.



Mother’s Day Stall – Tuesday May 3


The Mother’s Day Stall will be happening on Tuesday 3rd of May. Please ensure that all completed forms and money are returned to the office by Wednesday 27th of April.



Thanks to those that have already submitted their form to volunteer for tuckshop duty for next term. If you would still like to volunteer, please ensure that forms are returned as soon as possible as the return date is today, Monday April 4.


Please remember to show your full vaccination (including booster) certificate to Robyn or Fiona in the office before heading down to the tuckshop.


The following people are rostered on for the final week of Term One:


Monday                       04-Apr                         Suzanne C

Tuesday                       05-Apr                         Jo H

Wednesday                 06-Apr                         Fil N

Thursday                     07-Apr                         Tuckshop closed

Friday                          08-Apr                         School finishes at 1.30pm


PFA Meeting – Friday 29th of April at 2.00pm via Google Meet

If you are interested in finding out more information or would like to join the PFA, please let Robyn (in the office) know and we will send you a link to the meeting. It is a great opportunity to contribute to your child’s school and get to know others within the school community. 

Please note that this meeting has been moved forward by 30 minutes to allow parents to get to school and collect their children by 3.30pm.


Suzanne C.

PFA President 2021



PFA President Class Representatives:

Thank you to the people who have volunteered to be class representatives. The following people are the Class Representatives for 2022:


Junior G – Vanessa H

Junior F – Fil N

Middle C – Marey N

Senior C – Jane M

Senior P – Alessia C & Azadeh


 Child Safety:


In order to be in line with Ministerial Order 870, (a requirement for all registered schools in Victoria), we are required to obtain Working With Children Checks (WWCC) for all people who volunteer in any capacity in our schools – including parents. Volunteer WWCC are free and can be obtained by filling in a form online at


You will also need to fill out the attached documents to volunteer at the school.