Corporate Services

We acknowledge and understand that this is a stressful and challenging time for our College community and there may be significant financial strain... 

Fees and Charges 2020

We acknowledge and understand that this is a stressful and challenging time for our College community and there may be significant financial strain for a lot of families. 

We have received many enquiries to date regarding boarding fees and fees in general. Whilst we are waiting on official advice from the Department of Education, we would like parents to know that: 

  • Residential accommodation fees will only be charged for the period of time in which the residential facility was open to students.
  • Those parents who have paid boarding fees in advance will be refunded for the time the boarding facility is closed. 
  • Any student attending as a day student during this time will be charged the day student fee for the time attended as a day student.
  • Any after school extra-curricular fees that have been paid in advance and not used will be credited back to your account. 

Further correspondence will be sent out to all parents once we know further information. 

In the meantime, if you have any queries regarding your account, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 


Remaining Student Allowances and Subsidies for 2020

If a particular allowance or subsidy applies to your situation, please complete the associated application form and return to the address indicated on the form. If you have not received a copy of the allowance forms, please visit our website:

If you would like a paper copy, please let us know.


Boarding Away from Home Allowance (BAHA) $1,634.00

The Department of Education makes available a student Boarding Away from Home Allowance each year to families with children attending primary and/or secondary school and boarding in residential accommodation.

The allowance consists of two components:

  • Agricultural Special Subsidy which applies to all students in residents who are not in receipt of Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink).
  • AIC Subsidy which applies to all students who are currently in receipt of AIC from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink).

BAHA Agricultural Special Subsidy Applications close 31 July 2020.

BAHA AIC Applications close 27 November 2020.

Annual Report 2019 

The 2019 Annual Report gives you a snapshot of the College operations and can be viewed on the College website.





Craig Armstrong, Manager Corporate Services
Craig Armstrong, Manager Corporate Services