A/Deputy Principal

Term 1 interim reports were available via Connect at the end of last term...

Term 1 Interim Reports

The reports were available via Connect at the end of last term and I envisage that our students had an opportunity during the school holidays to view their progress. Overall, it was pleasing to see positive outcomes for many of our students. I encourage parents to make contact with the teaching staff if an interview has been requested or they have any concerns.


Student Declaration and Permission online 

Each year the School Curriculum and Standards Authority require all Year 12 students to complete an online student declaration and permission. The deadline for students to complete this process online is Friday 3rd of July 2020. 


Student Declaration

All Year 12 students will need to declare that they are aware of the requirements to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and for sitting ATAR course examinations. These requirements are listed in the Year 12 Information Handbook which is available on the Authority website at http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au/publications/year-12-information


Student Permission

All Year 12 students will be asked to give permission for the following:

(a)   Release of their name should they win an award

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority award winners are published in the media and on the Authority’s website if permission to do so has been given by the student.

(b)   Use of school work for creating support materials

The Authority is seeking permission for the use of school work produced during 2020 e.g. assignments, projects, portfolios, tests, school-based exam responses.

(c)   Use of examination responses (written and practical)

The Authority is seeking permission for the use of ATAR course written and practical examination responses (copyright owned by the student)


It is probably easiest for everyone if students complete the online declaration and permission here at the College, but your son or daughter is encouraged to discuss each of the above questions with you prior to doing so. Indeed, the online procedure has been developed so that your son or daughter cannot complete the student permission unless they click on ‘Yes’ ‘I have discussed my responses to the above questions with my parents/guardians’. 


Further information is available on the Student declaration page via School Curriculum and Standards Authority’s Year 11 and 12 website at



OLNA Testing

The first round of OLNA results has been released and I was pleased to note the overall progress made by our students. An update of the OLNA results will be included in the Semester 1 Reports. Students who have not passed the OLNA in Reading, Writing and/or Numeracy will have another opportunity in the second round commencing in September.


Externally Set Tasks (EST)

Due to the soft start to Term 2, the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) have postponed the ESTs for Year 12 General courses to a later date in the year. We will update students and parents when we receive further information.


Semester 1 Exams

The Year 11 and 12 ATAR exams have been pushed back to the last week of this term and both year groups will be sitting their subject exams together (please refer to the timetable below). The ATAR teachers will be conducting revision sessions in class to prepare students closer to the exams. I encourage students to use their time wisely to revise for these exams and ask the teaching staff if they need further assistance.   


All exams will commence at 8.10 am and will take between 2 - 3 hours to complete.  In accordance with the WA College of Agriculture – Denmark Assessment Policy, all students must sit the exam on the day/time period specified. The only exception to this requirement will be if the student has a medical certificate from a doctor confirming that the student was unable to participate on the day.  Any student who does not attend the exam and/or fails to provide a valid medical certificate, will receive a zero mark for the exam. 

EnglishMonday June 29th
BiologyTuesday June 30th
Mathematics ApplicationsWednesday July 1st
Plant Production SystemsThursday 2nd July
Animal Production SystemsFriday July 3rd

Semester 1 Reports

The Department of Education recently announced that achievement grades on Semester 1 Reports for Year 10 students are not required. Where possible, teachers will provide an achievement grade for their learning area otherwise, our Year 10 student reports will consist of a comment and ticked attributes. The Year 11 and 12 Semester one reports will remain as normal.


Amanda Gaunt, A/Deputy Principal
Amanda Gaunt, A/Deputy Principal