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Go Your Own Way - Be a Change Maker in Manufacturing
Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston LLEN
The City of Kingston in partnership with Bayside Glen Eira Kingston Local Learning and Employment Network (BGKLLEN) is hosting the 'Go Your Own Way - be a Changemaker in Manufacturing' event.
This event is an industry showcase for young people, teachers and parents and manufacturing businesses.
When: | Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6 PM – 9 PM |
Register here:
Working Well with LGBTIQ Young People In Residential Care - Free event
This professional development session includes a mix of information delivery, discussion and activities leading to transformative learning. Current, Australian evidence-based research that informs best practice when working with LGBTIQ youth will be used as part of the overall teaching, as well as a basic introduction to what the letters stand for, and what is known about the health status and risks of this cohort. A resource list will be provided.
When: Monday 16th March 9:30 am - 4:30 pm |
Register here:
Initiate: Youth Conference
Have you, or a young person you know, contributed to a youth project in Victoria? The Initiate Youth Conference is happening on 1 April 2020. This is an opportunity to showcase their stories at the Conference.
Careers Week
National Careers Week aims to celebrate careers, career development and career development practitioners and to promote the economic, social and personal benefits of career development.
When: 18th - 24t May.