Japanese Department News

VCE Japanese students’ zoom catch-up with Mr Maeda.

Last week, our VCE Japanese students had an opportunity to catch-up with Mr Takahiro Maeda via Zoom.  Mr Maeda left Girton two years ago and he is currently teaching at one of the international schools in Tokyo.  The students had not seen Mr Maeda for two years and they were asked to come up with questions in Japanese (of course!) to ask him prior to the session.  We knew Mr Maeda’s exciting news that he is getting married this year, so some of the questions were relating to his fiancé.  One of the students asked if we could come to his wedding and he said ‘Hai!’. 



We enjoyed our session with Mr Maeda so much and we are hoping to ‘see’ him again via Zoom.  I am hoping that our VCE students can connect with Gojo students who could not visit us back in March via Zoom later in the year.  Our VCE Japanese students have not lost their focus and are making the most of their remote learing.  I admire their resilience and focus. 



Here is feedback from a student:


I remember walking into Japanese class for the first time in Year 7 and having Mr Maeda as my Japanese teacher. Literally coming from a primary school, where I didn’t know the first thing about the Japanese language, except “konnichiwa”and “arigatou”, Mr Maeda was one of the most amazing and kind teachers I have had, introducing me to this subject that I now do for VCE!


Seeing him again, after his leaving for Japan two years ago, was one of the most nostalgic moments ever. Knowing that he was doing well. (Well, settled down MORE than well) was definitely a relief to all of us Japanese students! It was an amazing experience, being able to reconnect to someone who blossomed my love and admiration for Japanese, and I really hope that we can do it again very soon! 

Sanjana Jijo (11 Frew)


Mrs Mo Watanabe

Head of Japanese