Bring a Bloke to Breakfast

Friday 30 August 

From Megan, Parent & Friends Committee

It was a bright a sunny morning, albeit a little chilly, for our annual Blokes Breakfast. As usual, the day drew big crowds with many family members coming to celebrate the men in their lives. There were many excited faces in the crowd, as students and friends and family engaged in conversation over a sausage in bread or a falafel, while in the background Sadie Neave serenaded us with song.


An enormous thank you to all who volunteered their time at this event, parents, friends, families, teachers and students. 



Volunteers from parents and friends, along with a number of staff members, worked overtime to make sure everyone was well fed, and should be congratulated again for making the event a great success. A special thank you to Katrien, Lucy, Jennifer, Ed, Clare, Ann, Torben, Ben (x 2), Michael, Brent, Maggie, Hilary, Laura, Megan, Magda, Jess, Tyson, Graham, Mike, Joy, Mark, Gen, Leon, Andrew and an army of volunteers who got there early in the morning to set up and who also made a few last minute trips to get extra food and drink as we ran out.


As a fundraising event, we always rely on a number of sponsors and this year we give thanks to Woolworths for donating the bread, and give a great big shout out to BP and Parul at Ferguson Plarre on Errol Street who supplied us with the sweet treats and Rotary North Melbourne for the magic BBQ trailer.


The raffle is always a winner with students and families. This year Jellis Craig donated the prizes, helping out on the day to raise sales of raffle tickets, and to rev the students up at Assembly as they drew out the prizes. We thank Trevor and Marcus for their continued enthusiasm and support for the school. 


All in all a fabulous event, with over $4,000 being raised which will be put to good use by the parents and friends over the coming months.

Next Meeting of Parents & Friends

Tuesday September 10 at 7pm, in the school staff room, All are welcome. 


2019 Meetings: 

  • October - no meeting
  • Tuesday 12 November
  • December - no meetings