Year 3/4 News

Welcome back to Term 4!
The 3/4 students have started their final term for the year. They are continuing to show their resilience and enthusiasm during remote learning. Once again, thank you to all the parents and carers for the continued support during home learning tasks and for ensuring students are attending all their clinics. We are looking forward to seeing all students in person upon our return to on-site learning in a few weeks time.
Maths - Shape
The students have started Term 4 by exploring 2D shapes and 3D objects! They followed instructions on how to make a 3D pyramid and prism and you can see some of their creations below. They also completed a 3D Scavenger Hunt around their homes, where they had to find as many household 3D objects as they could!
This term, we are focusing on Civics & Citizenship during PBL. The students began by exploring why rules are important and necessary for the society we live in today. They viewed a video showing traffic chaos in another country and completed a Y-Chart noting what they see, think and wonder.
Week 3 & 4 Timetable and Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Whole School Assembly (via Zoom) - 1pm Friday 15th October
St Raphael’s Feast Day - Sunday 24th October
Year 3/4 students return onsite to school-:
(Week 4) Tuesday 26th October - Wednesday 27th October.
Year 3/4 students return to remote learning-:
(Week 4) Monday 25th October, Thursday 28th October (Wellbeing Thursday) & Friday 29th October
Staff Contacts
Belinda Hirschauer -
Kaitlyn McMillan -
Lauren Bell -
Annie McNaughton -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am-5pm.