Year 1/2 News

Welcome back to Term 4
Welcome back to Term 4 to all our students and their families. Whilst we started the term online, it didn't take away from the joy and excitement the students displayed on our first Zoom session back. With eager faces and excited voices the students shared their holiday experiences with one another. Once again, thank you to all the parents and carers for supporting the students with their home learning tasks, navigating through timetables and ensuring students are attending their clinics. We are counting down the days until we are back in the classroom full time, but until then stay tuned for more fun and challenging tasks. Keep a lookout on the Google Classroom stream for details regarding our Wellbeing Wednesday morning zooms as we plan to get creative and have lots of fun.
Here are some photos from Wellbeing Wednesday last week-
This term, our inquiry focus is Geography where we will be exploring the question, ‘Where is our place in the world?’. The Year 1/2 students kickstarted their inquiry process last week by getting out and about in their local community and taking photographs of familiar places. On Friday, the students reflected on the features of places familiar to them and described a special place through a writing piece. Below are some of the writing pieces that the students have written.
Religion - Hope
We have been engaging in many conversations about one of our school values, 'Hope'. The Year 2 students were asked to write a prayer about hope. They created some beautiful and inspiring prayers. Have a read and feel free to use these prayers at home.
This term the Year 1/2 students have started to learn about persuasive writing.
Part of persuasive writing are advertisements and commercials. We see and hear advertisements all of the time in our daily lives. When we watch television, listen to the radio or read a magazine, these advertisements are designed to convince us to buy something, watch something or do something. This week the students had the task of trying to convince others to go out and buy something that they have at home. Watch some of these examples of the students work. Did they convince you?
Week 3 & 4 Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Wednesday 13th October -Wellbeing Wednesday (Look out for a fun activity in your morning Zoom)
Friday 15th October - Whole School Assembly (Zoom)
Wednesday 20th October -Wellbeing Wednesday (Look out for a fun activity in your morning Zoom)
Year 1/2 return onsite in Week 3 - Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd October
Year 1/2 return onsite in Week 4 - Thursday 28th & Friday 29th October
Staff Contacts
Jackie Moloney
Melanie Pizzonia
Bella Sullivan-Barry
Paige Frazer
Phoebe Tune
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm