Visual Arts

Contact Details: Allanah Sarafian -

Welcome back!

I have lots of great drawing activities planned for the rest of remote learning. As a reward for all our hard work during lockdown, I have some very fun and messy things in store for when we are back in the classroom too ;-) I can't wait to see everybody in a few weeks!


Saint Raph's New Garden Sculpture

While you've been learning from home, Mr Howard has made some improvements to the school grounds. A new garden bed has been made against the wall of the art room near the entrance gates on Breen Street. It is here that we plan to put a sculpture. We want this new sculpture to be something meaningful to our whole school community - the students, parents and families and teachers, and we want your input. To gather all the ideas, I've put together a Google form questionnaire. The form is optional, but if you would like to share your ideas of what our sculpture should be, please fill in the sculpture form below before 19th October. 


Let's see what our kids have been making in week 1


The students recorded 6 different patterns in their home by drawing them into a grid. They then made a big squiggly line that intersects to make irregular shapes. Inside the shapes they drew a different pattern. 

Year 1/2

The Year 1/2s were drawing animals from different angles. They chose an animal and drew it from the side, the front, behind an above.

Year 3/4

The 3/4s recorded different line qualities they found around their homes. They then chose one of these line qualities to use in an artwork of a lion. The difference of the line completely changes the appearance of the lion's mane. 


Year 5/6

The year 5/6s also created a chart of different line qualities they found in their homes. Then then used some of those lines in a scientific observational drawing of a natural object.