Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -


The Foundation students have started the term in PE by revisiting the skill of catching and applying it with different objects. The focus for this week continues to practice the fundamental skill of catching but there are added activities to add interest and variation. The student's engagement is also increased by adding in a time component where they are requested to perform each activity while on the stopwatch. This also challenges the student's ability to perform the skill of catching under pressure. It is anticipated that the children will be motivated to keep doing the circuit of activities in order to improve on their time.




Year 1/2

The Year 1/2's have continued on with activities that reinforce their throwing and catching skills, as well as having a challenge that practices fundamental abilities such as hand-eye coordination and balance. The emphasis continues to be on personal improvement and setting a standard, then trying to better it. This week includes a range of activities, but again seeks to challenge the children particularly with their throwing and catching and learning to perform these skills under pressure. 




Years 3 to 6

For the first week of term the Year 3 - 6 students were practising some ball skills in a couple of different activities. The first activity focused on movement and ball control while the second was practising the ability to create space within a game situation. Each lesson starts with a challenge and last week it was step ups. Many students really took to this and scored some good results, having to count how many step ups they could complete in 2 minutes. 


This week's challenge is a one legged squat and seeing how many the students can do in one minute. The main activity is five rotations focusing on balance and fitness, but also requiring the students to execute a skill on the last station in order to become more comfortable performing under fatigue. The overall focus continues to be personal improvement and so the students are asked to time themselves over the five stations, record their time and then try to better it.





Inter - School Sport

Unfortunately due to the Government restrictions School Sport Victoria have cancelled all remaining Inter-School Sport competitions for the year.