Year 5/6 News

After what has been a busy time with Online Learning the 5/6 teachers are looking forward to welcoming the students back to Onsite Learning in Week 4. While this is still a little way off, it is an opportunity of hope for the students and something to look forward to and celebrate.
When we return to school the Government restrictions will present some challenges in how we engage the students. However we are determined to provide the students with as much fun and excitement as we can.
In the meantime we have a number of key focuses and activities for the students to engage with online over the next two weeks.
Over the past week, students reviewed their formal letter writing skills. Students were asked to write a ‘connection’ letter to an older person in the local school/parish community. While this was a literacy activity, it was also a wellbeing reflection of how we can support vulnerable members of our community combat social isolation at this challenging time.
Within Reading, students have continued their practice of inferring skills- 'what did the author/writer mean but doesn't explicitly say?'
Over the next fortnight, students will return to narrative writing; practicing key skills of creative thinking, planning and sizzling starts. In our teacher feedback, students are supported to consider areas of their learning that could be further be adjusted and improved. In order for teachers to provide this tailored feedback, students must be consistently uploading their work tasks.
Students have been working on financial plans for how much it costs to make a cake. Leading on from such great work with their business ideas in PBL, they have been encouraged to create a financial plan to take into account all costs involved in making an item, including each ingredient in cake. Students then looked at researching competitors’ prices for a slice of cake at business ventures in the area. The next step in assessing why things cost what they do, was to work out how much profit they could make if they set their prices at certain levels. This took into account the price of each of their products and then subtracted the costs from the profits. Students will now move on to making a budget plan for an overseas trip.
Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Students have begun exploring different places, people and cultures around the world. They have each selected a country from North America, Europe or Asia to investigate further. Students practiced their researching and note-taking skills, exploring key information about their chosen country and then created a presentation showcasing their findings.
Over the next week, students will compare their chosen country with Australia, identifying similarities and differences in population, geographical landscape, cultural practices and religions.
A friendly reminder that our weekly timetables during Remote learning are posted on our Google Classroom page each week and are included in each daily timetable.
Learning Intentions
Important Upcoming Dates
Week 4 -
Monday 25th - Wednesday 27th October - Online Learning continues.
Thursday 28th October - 5/6 students begin their staggered return to onsite learning.
Friday 29th October - Onsite learning.
Week 5-
Wednesday 3rd November - Online learning
Thursday 4th November - 5/6 students return to onsite learning full time.
Staff Contacts
Emily Jamieson -
Maxwell Allan -
Matt Vernal -
Emma Sbizzirri -
*We kindly ask that all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt.
Shane Giese -
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm