Around The School


Over the past week we have been participating in Echuca Regional Health's Rocktober project. Echuca Rock Solid has donated the rocks and students across primary and secondary have been painting some fantastic designs on their rocks. They decorated them with their idea of what makes Echuca Moama rock. 


Students have been instructed to hide their rocks around town to be found by others. 

If students or family members discover any painted rocks, they are encouraged to return them to Echuca Regional Health to be included in a rock mandala which will be created by their Community Inclusion group members in early November. 

Mr Davidson's Many-Coloured Ties 

Both of our Year 2 classes learned how to tie a tie yesterday. These beauties are part of Mr Davidson’s 500 strong collection!

 Chess Club

Our chess club took to the great outdoors on Wednesday last week, playing out their strategies on this giant chessboard in the sunshine.