From the Principal

Happy World Teachers' Day

Today is designated as World Teachers' Day, a day each year for the community to be aware of the work our teachers do and the contribution they make to the lives of so many people and to our society overall.


We are also very fortunate to have the passionate and professional team of teachers we have. They are committed to continuing to learn ways to support students with social/emotional growth and academic growth. Our teachers genuinely enjoy seeing their students’ flourish.  This is particularly powerful in a K- 12 school where we can be a part of their development from the age of 5 to 18. 


We are very fortunate at MAGs to have wonderful teachers who are dedicated to supporting students.  I am sure that parents are as grateful as I am for the work our teachers do and the dedication they have shown, particularly during the disruption of the last months.


Mrs Carmel Spry
