Accessing Wellbeing:
Students can access wellbeing via an online booking form for Wellbeing and health related matters.
Student Wellbeing Check In Request Form
Parents/ Carers can access supports from Wellbeing for their young person via the Administration Office.
The Wellbeing team have been enjoyed the first 3 weeks back - all of us love seeing students popping in to say hi, to either catch up with one of us, get support or be out and about in the many programs that are being run each term.
Jas has certainly had her skates on with five programs being run- these include Little DeVinci’s, Story Time, Men’s and Women’s shed and Active Play Group. Active Play Group is a new program to the school supported by the Year 11 Health and Human Development Students. The Torquay Community House have been very generous in supporting our students to grow in this area of their learning and the feedback from the students has been really exciting.
IDAHOBIT day was celebrated on Tuesday 16th May which is a day to celebrate inclusion and the diversity in our school. This day is about sharing our pride and support for the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies. Its about educating our students on the importance of acceptance of all people. This years theme was ‘Together Always United in Diversity’. We look forward to sharing some photos from the day.
All youth require a safe home and social supports to mature and develop the skills needed to transition to adulthood. Among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or other diverse identities (LGBTQ+) youth, having affirming families and friends is associated with improved mental health and better youth outcomes.
Becoming a Volunteer …. National Volunteer Week 15-21st May 8, 2023
On Monday 15th May at lunchtime, over 60 students were invited to attend a special event to recognise the amazing volunteer efforts of young people across the shire. The benefits of volunteering for young people are endless. Young people learn new skills, give back to the community, discover new opportunities and experience personal growth. They embrace new possibilities and experience great personal growth.
From Mel – Adolescent Health Promotion Nurse
Last week we started education on E- Cigarettes, what they are, myths around them and why young people are so attracted to using them. This week we will explore the health impacts that these are having on our health and wellbeing as well as strategies that you can discuss with your young person around saying ‘NO’!
How is it impacting on your health?
Health experts are very concerned about the various chemical ingredients used in e-cigarette liquids. Even though it is illegal to sell liquid containing nicotine in Victoria, there is no guarantee that liquid purchased will not contain nicotine. Unfortunately, the incorrect labelling of liquids used in e-cigarettes has been known to happen in Australia. Liquid used in e-cigarettes also often contains other chemicals (such as flavourings) which may be harmful when inhaled, even though they might be safe when added to food.
People and pets can be exposed to these potentially harmful chemicals through the respiratory system, through ingestion and skin exposure. Small children are especially at risk for thirdhand smoke exposure as they tend to touch surfaces, put their hands into their mouths and they have more vulnerable skin.
Despite the small emissions of nicotine from e-cigarettes compared to tobacco cigarettes, e-cigarettes might still be a source of particles that can contaminate the air and expose those in the environment, including non-smokers. Because e-cigarettes are relatively new on the market, there is little research on them and even less information on how they may contribute to thirdhand exposure.
How do we say No?
It's normal for teens to look for ways to experience being independent; it's all part of a young person's transition to adulthood. Navigating being a teenager is challenging… with pressures to fit in, be part of a social group or look like they are doing what everyone else is doing.
Encourage a conversation with your young person around Vaping could start by pointing out that the majority of young people are not “vaping” .. to “Vape” you are in the minority… this is so important for young people to hear!
Encourage them to practice to say “no”.
Here are some strategies …
Use your knowledge about e-cigarettes
- I don’t want to smoke e-cigs. I’ve heard they have lots of bad chemicals
Use humour
- Nah thanks, I don’t like to just run on ‘fumes’
Change the subject
- No thanks. But I’m playing soccer on the weekend, do you want to come?
This is the last article on this series of Health Focus on Vaping. If you would like support or more information here is some services that can be explored.
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)
- Quit Line 137848
- Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre
- Counselling online
- Drug Strategy
- eheadspace
- iCanQuit
Aerosol Spray Deodorants
Aerosol spray is a type of dispensing system which creates an aerosol mist of liquid particles. Aerosols usually come in the form of a can that will withstand holding a substance under high pressure. When you press the button or lever at the top of the container, it will release the substance. Then, a fine spray will be released into the air or onto a surface - such as your armpit.
An antiperspirant is an aerosol spray that uses aluminium particles to block your sweat ducts, limiting the amount you perspire - all while leaving you smelling fresher with your choice of fragrance.
For the product to be released, the aerosol can has to contain Propylene Gasses: an organic compound that has no colour. It is flammable and often used as fuel, which is why every aerosol can you purchase will have the flame symbol, to indicate that when near fire, it can cause destruction.
Aerosol antiperspirants rely on aluminium as the active ingredient to temporarily plug and block the sweat glands on your skin, reducing the amount of sweat that seep through. Other common chemical ingredients found in antiperspirants are parabens, triclosan, phthalates, propylene glycol and aluminium.
Some research has linked these ingredients to medical conditions including cancers and reproductive development issues, so the last thing you want is to inhale toxins that have been sprayed in the air via aerosols.
Many aerosol sprays contain highly toxic chemicals that are proven to be harmful to adults, children and family pets. When humans inhale the aerosols from deodorants they may experience dizziness, drowsiness, slurred speech, lethargy, depressed reflexes, general muscle weakness, and stupor.
Aerosol Spray Deodorants are BANNED from school as they pose a health risk to students and staff through the potential for asthma attacks and allergic reactions. If students need deodorant at school they are encouragement to use roll on deodorants.
As Always stay kind and reach out if you need to Michelle, Mel, Jas, and Rachel.
Batforce School Family Partnerships 2023
Mate Space / Headspace
Headspace Geelong has been hosting Mate Space sessions in Torquay.
These male only sessions are held inside the Youth Centre at KMCC and runs from 4pm-6pm.