SiMON Everywhere App

Download SiMON Everywhere App
HOW TO - Log in to PAM
Enter your email address (which was provided to the school) and password and then click sign in. If you do not have a password click on Forgot Password and a link will be sent to your email. Click on the link and follow prompts.
HOW TO - Send an Absentee Note in PAM
HOW TO - Access Semester Reports
HOW TO - Book Learning Conversations
HOW TO - Access Learning Tasks/Work Samples
Push notifications from SIMON Everywhere
Push notifications are often sent to notify parents of school related activities and other messages. Please enable this on your smart phone in settings - notifications - SIMON Everywhere settings.
SIMON Everywhere / PAM is the major source of information to parents and families. It is recommended that you have SIMON Everywhere which will allow for immediate notification of messages and notifications on your phone.
If you have any queries about SIMON Everywhere please contact Sally or Debbie in the office.
Thank you.