School News

Breakfast Club
What another fantastic few weeks in Breakfast Club this term!
We have had so many students visit us in the mornings for delicious toasties, cereals and milos to help kick start their learning day! It’s also been wonderful to be inundated with so many students eager to volunteer their time to help make Breakfast Club an amazing experience for all!
If your child is keen to be a Breakfast Club helper, they are welcome to see Mrs Burns or Mrs Marslen to join our growing roster of amazing volunteers.
Helper of the Week award!
This week’s Helper of the Week award has been presented to Addison, Mykenzie and Payton. They have been wonderful helpers many mornings during our busy week, assisting with bringing in the dirty dishes tub, learning how to stack the dishwasher and even serving toast to our school community! It’s been wonderful watching them grow in confidence when attending our Breakfast Club program each morning!
Congratulations !
Care Packages and Milo Donations!
Due to our generous donations, Breakfast Club has been able to support many families this term through the provision of Care Packages. Our Traf Pantry (found in the Gym Foyer), continues to be stocked with many excellent products, available to anyone - and they’re free!
If you would like to receive a Care Package or know of a family who may benefit, feel free to drop into our School Office, see Mrs Burns or Mrs Marslen.
Thank you again to all families who have generously donated tins of Milo to our Breakfast Club. Our students have absolutely loved the warm milos each morning. Any extra donations would be most appreciated!
A big thank you to Tracey Moore and Kim Moore from "Moore Coffee Please" for donating milk and bananas to our Breakfast Club. You will find them at the Yarragon Market every 4th Saturday if you would like to support them and say thanks.
Instrumental Music Update
The TPS Instrumental Music Program offers students an extra-curricular experience where students have the fantastic opportunity to learn and play a musical instrument of their choice guided by an expert/professional on their instrument/s.
Currently the TPS Instrumental Music Program has 125 students doing lessons during the week with 7 amazing instrumental teachers. The 4 teachers that started the year, Lori, Casey, Laura and Miles are now full. Ben, who started this term, is also now full. 2 new teachers have started in the last few weeks who have vacancies in their schedules.
Indi has been playing and learning guitar and bass for 20 years, including recording with multiple bands, both at home and in studios. He also plays live performances regularly with many different lineups of local musicians for birthdays, weddings and more.
Ayla is an experienced professional musician for her young age. She regularly plays lead roles in prominent local theatre productions and has won multiple music performance awards. Ayla teaches vocal and keyboard.
You can find a full description of the instruments we offer, bios of all the teachers and a digital instrumental music form here - TPS Music site/Instrumental.
You can also get a form from the front office, or just outside the music room at the instrumental form letter box. Return it to the front office or into the letter box and we can get lessons started as soon as possible.
The Instrumental program will showcase performers at a mid year concert on Thursday 22nd June.
Ricky Allan - Music coordinator and Specialist music teacher
Wet Weather
Due to the winter weather conditions a number of children are getting wet and muddy during recess and lunch time despite teacher's best efforts to keep them away from wet and muddy areas.
It would be a great help if spare clothes could be sent in your child's bag just in case.
Thank you for your cooperation on this.
Foundation Transition
Please follow this link for information about our 2024 Transition Program including school visits, parent informaiton sessions and tours.