
Morrisby Testing and Careers Interviews 

Our Year 10 students have completed their Morrisby Testing and are currently completing their Career Interviews. These interviews provide valuable feedback on their Morrisby Profile and demonstrate to students how they can most effectively use this valuable resource. Students have enjoyed seeing the career matches that they have received based on their profile.

Future Insights Event 2

We were fortunate to have six wonderful speakers come to talk to interested students at our recent Future Insights event on Thursday May 25. Genevieve a Lifestyle and Careers Columnist, Taryn a Graduate Policy Officer, Georgia an Antenatal Social Worker, Aaliya a Master of Pharmacy Student, Nadia a recent graduate of University of Melbourne Juris Doctor Program and Jemima a 3D Modeler at Land Surveys gave up their busy work and University schedules to come and give students insight into their degrees and their work responsibilities. All the speakers had changed their course of study and it was fascinating to hear of their journey in making these decisions and where it then led them. Students had the opportunity to speak to them one-on-one at the end and asked some wonderful questions. The students and parents who attended gave incredibly positive feedback:

Just wanted to say that my daughter and I both really enjoyed the career session this afternoon. The speakers were WONDERFUL- and I so enjoyed listening to their individual career stories. I learnt a lot in such a short space (Year 10 Parent)
Being someone who is not sure what to do after I leave school, I thought why not go to the Future Careers Insights afternoon. There were 6 speakers from a wide variety of professions who provided direct feedback on life in their differing worlds. Although I do not want to follow in any of their footsteps, the afternoon was still very worthwhile, for two main reasons. Firstly, they were all inspiring. Each speaker was engaging, switched on and able to talk with ease about life after school. It was intriguing to hear first hand about their jobs, some of which I really did not know much about prior. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of forming good connections with people and involving yourself in extracurricular activities. Secondly and probably most importantly of all it has made me realise I can relax. The consistent story from all of them was how where they are now is not where they started or where they thought they would be. They spoke of knowing what they liked helping direct where they went. One after the other spoke of their options being clear, only once they were at Uni or in the workforce.
Overall, I found the afternoon beneficial and will be looking forward to going to the next one. (Rosie, Year 10)

We hope that we will get even more students at our last Future Insights event in August.

Catherine Freney 

Careers & Future Pathways Coordinator