Class Updates

Epilepsy Awareness Day

On Thursday our school wore purple in support of Epilepsy Awareness. We have a number of students at our school who live with various types of Epilpesy. The day was a great opportunity for those students to share their stories and to provide more awareness about what Epilepsy is.

Thank you to all the staff and students who participated.

Coast FM Healthy Moves Recording

On Thursday we went to 3YB to record an advertisement for Healthy Moves to play on the radio. We had a blast doing the recording and they showed us how things worked in the recording studio. We had an amazing experience and were very grateful for the opportunity to advertise "Healthy Moves" on the radio. Thank you to Mrs Marris for organising this and driving us to 3YB. Hunter, Julien, Isobel and Shakira

Year 6 and 1A Maths Enrichment 

This week 1A had the pleasure of having the Year 6 Maths Enrichment students and teacher Jenny Elz come for a visit. The students had to use 3D objects to create a 2D shadow. Some students were able to create a pentagon shadow using only a cube and a torch.