Green Machine News

Good news from the Green Machine team! 




Recently, our school was given a donation of some new barrels to help us learn about growing herbs and vegetables and to put our gorgeous succulent plants in. We look forward to finishing our replanting of the succulents and perhaps decorating them and giving our school a nice big splash of colour. We look forward to seeing the finished product of our hard work. 


Our mini CSPS orchard garden is making great progress, we hope that it will continue to thrive. Unfortunately, no fruit yet but we will keep you posted about any possible fruit sales or progress being made. Fingers crossed that we will be seeing some fresh grapefruit, lemons, oranges and more soon enough so we can have another great Green Machine fundraiser for the school. 




We may be having a succulent sale soon! We have many succulents potted and are nearly ready to sell. Keep a lookout for confirmation in future newsletters. REMINDERS Just a couple of quick reminders for you and the students to know: - Our E-Waste bin is still in the year 6 end of the SLC if you have any electronics that you think could be put to a better use. - Tissues do not go in the compost bin, whether used or not, they go in the landfill bin - Make sure you have nude food in your lunch boxes to help the environment and possibly win your class a 20 minute game. 


Thanks, and remember, STAY GREEN!!!! By Dori D and Amelia H proud members of the Green Machine team.