CSPS Parents' Association News

Bagel Fundraiser Day - Last Day of Term 2!

This term we are excited to be offering bagels instead of hot dogs for the last day of Term 2 - Friday 23rd June. 


What are the options?

Students can choose between the following options:

1. Nuttelex & sliced cheese

2. Nuttelex & Vegemite

3. Nuttelex & Strawberry Jam


'Genius' Gluten Free Soft Brioche Rolls (Coles) are available if your child is Gluten Free. These will be prepared separately to ensure no contamination occurs. Nuttelex is a dairy free plant based spread similar to margarine. 


How will it work?

Teachers will be asking children which option they would prefer early next week during class so the PA can manage numbers for catering purposes. If your child has any allergies or dietary restrictions please talk to your child prior so they know which option to select. If you'd prefer, you can contact your child's teacher directly. If your child does not want one of these options, they will require a lunch order or lunch brought from home. 

Please note whilst all bagels will be plain bagels (i.e. no sesame or poppy seeds) the bagels will not be completely allergen free as they are coming out of the same factory. 


What does it cost?

This lunch is covered by the ‘PA Multi Event Fundraising’ payment. We ask families who are yet to pay to do so via Qkr! You can check if the $20 payment has been made by clicking on the ‘Activity’ tab and locating it in your ‘Order History’. Please note that this payment may be listed as an item within a larger order summary. To pay, please go to ‘School Payments’ and scroll across to your child’s year level. From here you will be able to ‘add to cart’.  


When is this happening?

Bagels will be handed out for lunch on the last day of Term 2 - Friday 23rd June.

 If you have any questions or feedback, or would like to get involved with the PA, please contact the school. 

