Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

Having a conversation with your child/ren about their day at school can be a challenge. We have included some suggestions about how you might like to build connection with your child/ren around their school day. Importantly, before your child is ready to talk about their school day, they should have a break, something healthy to eat and some time to relax. Then you may like to use some of the questions and prompts below to open the conversation:
1. Tell me about the best part of your day….
2. What was something challenging for you today?
3. What made you laugh today?
4. Tell me about what you read in class…..
5. What game did you play outside today?
6. What is easy for you to learn?
7. What is something different between this year and last year?
8. What do you think is the most important Way of Being at school?
9. Tell me something kind that you did today…
10. Can you teach me about something you learnt today?
Learning Diversity
In August each year, schools across Australia are required to complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD.) The NCCD counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or support at school and helps governments plan for the needs of students with disabilities. Our Nurture Growth NCCD T in eam, submits our student data based on evidence and rigorous moderation. Please see the below flyer for additional information.