Learning & Teaching

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In Maths the children will be learning to represent and solve subtraction problems using a range of strategies including facts of 10, counting back or up, use doubles, make a ten and add up. The children will understand subtraction as taking away, counting on to find the difference, subtract and minus.
Use Doubles:
Make Ten:
Our children will be moving onto Persuasive writing for the next three weeks. They will be working on developing their opinions on a topic and giving reasons why they feel that way.
Learning new words increases reading comprehension drastically. We know that children store new words in their long term memory by being exposed to them in many ways and examples.
Continue to introduce new words to your child and give a child friendly meaning. A way to introduce new vocabulary to your child is by:
Does anyone know the meaning of __________ ?"
Providing a definition - "It means _________ ."
Providing a synonym - "Another word for this is _________ ."
Providing an example - "An example of this is __________ ."
Some of our Year 3 children are celebrating their First Reconciliation on Friday 2 June.. We pray for them during this special time.
Everything has a place in creation, all related to each other – None can exist without the other. There is goodness in relationships. Reconciliation is an opportunity for healing and strengthening our relationships.
Term 2 Assemblies
This term, each Hub group will host a school assembly to share a snapshot of learning and acknowledge other celebrations and events in the school.
We will be running assemblies at school on the following dates:
3-4 Children: Friday 2nd June – 2.40pm 3.10pm
5-6 Children: Week 9 (last week of school) Date and time TBC
Families are welcome to join our assemblies!
If you are joining our St Gabriel’s assemblies, please arrive via Olive St Gate and head to 3-6 Hub.