Student Engagement & Community Partnerships 

Kristen Raine

This term, we have started whole school professional learning to learn more about Student Voice & Agency and how we can implement strategies in the classroom for student voice & agency. As a whole school, we are reflecting on the following questions:

  • What strategies could we use to gather, listen, respond to and act on student voice in our classrooms?
  • What opportunities do students have to influence change in our classroom?
  • How do we use the student version of the EIM to ensure voice and agency is part of our teaching practice (e.g., Goal setting)?

Alongside this professional learning, we have partnered with Social Education Victoria to participate in their Student Empowerment program. This will involve external experts working with whole staff and a smaller staff team to help us work towards our Key Improvement Strategy: To develop and implement a consistent student voice and agency strategy across the college, including goal setting and two-way feedback.

I am also looking forward to supporting our Student Leadership Team with their participation in the VicSRC’s Teach the Teacher Program. This will give student leaders the opportunity to influence change by leading collaborative conversations with teachers, school leadership and staff. The Teach the Teacher program is a yearlong program which includes multiple workshops, resources, and regular support from VicSRC to embed student voice practices in our school leading to long term cultural change.

Kristen Raine
Kristen Raine