Environment & Sustainability 

News from the Chicken Coop

Lilly, Cinnamon, Princess Lay-a, Hazel and Browny are settling in well to life at St John’s and we hope to see some fresh eggs in a few more weeks.

Don’t forget to put your name on the roster for chicken duty for a weekend, when the roster comes out. It’s really easy and lots of fun for the kids and grownups alike and you get to keep the delicious fresh eggs that you collect!

Waste Wise Reminder

Don’t forget that you can reduce your impact on the environment simply by reducing the amount of packaging that you use and bring to school. One way to do this is by using small reusable containers or lunch boxes with built in sections for different foods. Don’t forget to label all of your containers to make sure that they go home again. Please help us to continue to reduce our rubbish at school.

Wonder Recycling Rewards 

Wow! We’ve nearly filled 2 boxes, let’s keep going!


The Wonder Recycling Rewards Program is continuing for the rest of term 2 so keep bringing in your bread bags.

The rule of thumb is that if it has contained bread of some sort and is a soft plastic, then it’s a bread bag. If it hasn’t contained bread, then it’s not a bread bag. Bread bags should be as free from crumbs as they can be to keep the recycling process free from contamination (there is no need to wash them, just give them a good shake out).

There is a box in the office area to deposit your clean bread bags. Please do not put anything else in this box other than plastic bread bags. The more bags we collect the more credits we receive to redeem free sports equipment for our school.


Thanks for your support,


The Environment Team