Library News

Elizabeth Hughes - Librarian

Guest Speaker

On Thursday, June 15, the distinguished author, Christopher Cheng, will be visiting our school to discuss his work with students in all grades.

Christopher has produced a wide selection of children's books including a famous series of novels set in the Australian gold rush in the 1860's. This will be of particular interest to Stage 3 students who are studying the gold rush this semester.

Christopher will be our Book Week speaker in advance this year.


Children's Book Week will be held from August 18 - 25.

The special slogan for Book Week 2023 is Read, Grow, Inspire!

Premiers Reading Challenge

Thank you to the many parents who are encouraging their children to complete the Premiers Reading Challenge which ends in mid August for more information click the link


If you need a password to enter reading logs online, please contact me as soon as possible at

Remember to include in the email the full name and class of your child and a contact phone number.

Scholastic Book Club

Brochures for the new issue of Book Club were distributed last week.


If you have any difficulties placing orders online please send me an email.

Overdue Books

I am very grateful to parents who periodically go through their children's book collections to look for books that may have the school's barcode on the front.

Prizes can be won for this fun activity. Good prizes.