Family Educator's 


Janine Hannigan - Family and Faith

Coffee Connect

Mrs Carlo-Stella and myself would like to catch up with you:

Parents from Kindergarten on Thursday 8th June at 9:20am

Parents from Years 1 and 2 on Thursday 15th June at 9:20am

at a lovely café where you will be able to purchase some coffee, snacks or meals

Green House Flower Power Garden Centre Enfield

                          Address: 27 Mitchell St, Enfield NSW 2136




Please RSVP to We look forward to enjoying a coffee with you and connecting as a community. 




Biggest Morning Tea

We appreciate all who attended and donated to The Biggest Morning Tea last week, it was very rewarding.

Together our community raised over $1000 for this great cause. Well done! 

All contributions make a valuable difference. 

A special mention to the parents who helped with the setup and decorate the hall. Thank you 

Let's be the face of Christ. 


Walk to School Safely Day

Thank you to all the students and parents who joined Mr Criniti, Miss MacMillan and me for the Walk to School Safely morning last week.

The morning was a huge success, the students displaying what they had learnt in our lessons about road rules. 

It was a bonus for Constable Reece to join us from Burwood police station. 


Thank you to all who participated.


St Francis Xavier Playgroup


Welcome back to Term 2 Playgroup. Our playgroup age group is 0-5 years old.  All families from our community are welcome to join.

Playgroup Term 2 Dates:

7th June 

14th June 

21st June 

28th June 


Each Wednesday, we will meet in the hall at 9:10 am. All parents need to sign in and out via the office. Parents must stay in the hall for the duration of the Playgroup. No parents are to be on their own outside of the hall. 


Wellness Walk

All are welcome to join me for a wellness walk around the local area. 

Together let's slow down, start the day with movement and enjoy the surrounding beauty. 

What a great way to start our Thursday. We will be walking, chatting and grabbing a coffee. Let's meet on the church steps at 9:00 am. Weather permitting. 


Term 2 Dates:

22nd June  

29th June

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts

We will be creating Mary Help of Christians paper hanging ornaments for Mary to always protect us, this craft is to commemorate the visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Kind regards,

Janine Hannigan

Family Educator 

Family and Faith