Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti - Coordinator

Whole School Character Strength: Love of Learning 


Dear Parents,


This past week, our students have been exploring the character strength, Love of Learning in their classrooms. Across the school, students have reflected on their knowledge as learners and how the enjoyment of learning allows them to grow as individuals as well as academically. 

The curious person is motivated by the pursuit of knowledge; the person who loves learning is motivated by the expansion of their fund of knowledge. Where curiosity is often associated with a great deal of energy and a drive to gather information, the lover of learning is often more contemplative. Love of learning describes the way in which a person engages new information and skills (VIA Institute on character, 2023)



An individual who loves learning will;

  • Embrace new challenges
  • Look to ask questions and clarify things they do not fully understand. 
  • Looks to listen to people who can inform them and help them gain knowledge.
  • Understand that learning can happen at anytime and should be embraced


This week our Schoolzine club interviewed students across the school about the importance of learning in our lives. These students began to explore all the classes across our school and discuss with their peers why students love learning and how learning has allowed them to grow into the young people they are today. A short video will be released on our school's Social Media pages very soon. 


Kind Regards,


Nick Criniti
