Religious  Education


Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

Ordinary Time


Sunday the 28th of May, marked Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. 


The season of Ordinary time has now commenced, being the longest season of the Liturgical Year. During ordinary time, we celebrate the whole life of Christ and learn the meaning of discipleship. This time in the Liturgical calendar, we are encouraged to grow and mature in our expression of faith outside the great seasons of Christmas and Easter, as well as Advent and Lent. 


Ordinary Time is a time to deepen one’s prayer life, read the Scriptures, unite more deeply with the Lord in the Eucharist, and become a whole person. Ordinary Time is this day, this moment. Now.


Each classroom will now have a green prayer cloth to acknowledge the longest season of the Church’s calendar.



 First Eucharist 


This weekend, some students from year three will be receiving the sacrament of First Eucharist.

There will be other First Eucharist masses on Saturday 17th June and Sunday 18th June. Please keep all our year three students in your prayers as they receive one of the three sacraments of initiation into the Catholic church. 


Thank you Father Richard and the year three teachers for preparing the students to receive the sacrament.