Friends of Donvale

Amanda Gargett - FOD President

Welcome to Term 2 and welcome to the winter months, though unlike northern hemisphere bears or badgers, FOD will definitely not be hibernating! We have lots of fun events planned in which we can enjoy our community.


The Mother's Day Stall was open today and will continue until lunchtime tomorrow. There are so many beautiful gifts available for the children to spoil their mum, grandma, nanna or mother figure in their lives. As always, we could not make this available without the assistance of our amazing group of volunteers. Thank you so much for your time!


As our volunteers so often tell us, when they volunteer, they receive much in return. It is such a thrill to see the smiles on the children's faces, it's a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and it helps to build the community throughout the school.


We have several other opportunities to volunteer coming up this term:


Doughnut Day!

Next Friday, 19 May, we will be hosting a Doughnut Day for all Secondary students and staff.  Krispy Kreme doughnuts will be available to purchase during recess and lunchtime  from a number of convenient locations around the school.


Junior Primary Disco is back!

Our annual and much anticipated Junior Primary Disco for Prep to Year 2 students will be held on Friday 16 June .

This will be in the Community Hub from 4:30- 6:30pm.



And finally - hot chocolate!

To conclude the term, we will be providing a winter warmer for Primary staff and students in the form of a yummy hot chocolate.







The Second Hand Uniform shop will also be open on several dates throughout Term 2:

  • Friday 19 May: 2pm - 4pm
  • Wednesday 24 May: 2pm - 4pm
  • Friday 9 June: 8am - 10am 
  • Wednesday 28 June: 2pm - 4pm

Your can also find these dates via Schoolbox here.


If you are available to help at any of these events, we'd love to hear from you. The best way to keep updated is to join our Volunteers WhatsApp group. When you volunteer for any FOD event, you must have a valid Working With Children Check and have completed the simplified online Basic Volunteer Course.


We look forward to building community with you in Term 2.